beach volleyball

Panteres Grogues beach volleyball section with regular training in groups o differents levels: initial, initial+, intermediate, intermediate+ & avanced.

Trainings are performed throughout the year at Mar Bella beach.

Sing up and enjoy the beach with Panteres Grogues!


Training days:

Summer season: From 1 May to 30 September.

Initial level.

Monday: 18.00 h – 19.30 h.

Saturday: 11.00 h – 12.30 h.

Initial level+.

Wednesday: 19.30 h – 21.00 h.

Friday: 17.30 h – 19.00 h.

Intermediate level.

Tuesday: 18.00 h – 19.30 h.

Saturday: 11.00 h – 12.30 h.

Level intermediate+ and advanced level.

Thursday: 18.00 h – 19.30 h.

Saturday: 12.30 h – 14.00 h.


New groups are opening in June. Send us an email to report new training days.


Winter season: From 1 October 1 to 30 April.

Initial level.

Saturdays: 09.30 h – 11.00 h.

Initial level+.

Friday: 17.00 h – 18.30 h.

Intermediate level.

Saturdays: 11.00 h – 12.30 h.

Level intermediate+/advanced.

Saturdays: 12.30 h – 14.00 h.


One a week: 25 € / monthly + Panteres Grogues membership fee.

Twice a week:  45 € / monthly + Panteres Grogues membership fee.

Three-times a week: 60 € / monthly + Panteres Grogues membership fee.


In addition to regular training, the section organizes the beach volleyball competitions of Donasport (May) and Panteresports (September).


Contact the section to add yourself to the waiting list and/or to get more information.

Floridablanca Street, 143. Barcelona.

Panteres Grogues 2023. All rights reserved.